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The Asset Appraisal Program
发布时间:2024-06-27    阅读:

The Asset Appraisal program

Four years, undergraduate, Bachelor of Management

Organizational Chart of Asset Appraisal Program


The Asset Appraisal program is a specialized field of study that prepares students for careers in the dynamic and crucial area of asset evaluation. This program equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to conduct accurate and reliable valuations of a wide range of assets, including real estate, machinery and equipment, intellectual property, and financial instruments.


Core Courses

Cost Management Accounting; Management Accounting; Asset Appraisal I; Real Estate Valuation Practice; Asset Appraisal II; State-owned asset management; The law of Asset Appraisal; Valuation of intangible assets; Practical training on enterprise value evaluation; Comprehensive simulation training of Asset Appraisal

绵阳校区:四川省绵阳市科创园区园兴西街2号  /  成都校区:成都市成华区龙潭工业机器人产业功能区 / 德阳校区:四川省德阳罗江区大学北路99号
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信访信箱:tina@tfswufe.edu.cn ,yangyan@tfswufe.edu.cn ,chenyingy@tfswufe.edu.cn
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